Home Repair

We offer home repair services to homeowners so they can continue to live in safe, decent homes for years to come.

The Critical Home Repair (CHR) program offers home repairs and improvements necessary for restoring and maintaining safe living conditions and home values.  This program is applicable for seniors, those with a disability, or family circumstances who struggle to maintain the integrity of their homes.

The program emphasizes support of aging people so their home can be made accessible.  The initiative provides home repairs to prevent homeowners from suffering injury and falls, accidents or moving out of their home.  Projects include interior or exterior work performed to alleviate critical health, life and safety issues or code violations, including a change to or repair of materials or components; a reconfiguration of space; a modification for accessibility and interior modifications; installation or extension of plumbing, mechanical or electrical systems on an existing structure.  Volunteer teams, along with subcontractors, work under the direction of Habitat staff to complete the repairs.

Getting Started

After reading about the program, if you feel that you are eligible and interested, please visit the Apply page.